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happy new year!

Come Dance With Us!

1st Sat Contra
Contra Dance
Saturday, Jan 4 | Music by "Swing Away"
7:30 - 10:30 PM
Already happened with over 50 attendees. Bev Young called a great dance with lots of Petronellas!  "Swing Away"  (Phil Carlos, Steve Dagger and Carla Green) rocked the Casbah.
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor

Please join us for a fun evening of Contradancing at the Elks Lodge in the upstairs ballroom!


No partner or experience is necessary -- dances are taught from scratch and prompted by a "caller" to live music!  


Bev Young will teach and call easy-to-learn dances.  Beginners, singles, couples, and families are welcome! 


College students and MFS members are $5!  High School students and kids under 18 are FREE!  Regular admission is $10.

English Country Dance
Already happened.  Next ECD dance is Valentine's Day! (Friday, Feb 14)

Support dance in Missoula.  Join the Missoula Folklore Society!

Elks Lodge, 2nd floor
Mark Matthews and Christa Torrens will teach fun, easy-to-learn, English country dances to lively Baroque music. 

The figures in English Country Dancing are very similar to contra dancing and square dancing. 

Beginners, singles, and couples are all welcome.  No experience necessary.  Come join us.  Donation sliding scale ($5 - $10)
3rd Sat Contra
Black&White Contra Dance Ball
Sat, Jan 18 | Elks Lodge, 2nd floor | 7:30 - 10:30 pm
Annual Membership Meeting at 6:45 pm (brief). 
Non-members welcome to sit in while chowing down.
Potluck at 6:30!  Bring yourself & something to share.  No food? Come anyway.  And wash your flippers frequently before & during the dance.
The CDC is reporting a surge in norovirus cases across the U.S. Please wash your hands vigorously with soap & water multiple times during the dance.  It is highly contagious.   Hand sanitizer alone does not work well according to the CDC.
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor | Beginners, Singles, Couples, & Families are welcome! | All dances are taught from scratch & called! Caller: Mark Matthews | Music by Skippin' a Groove

Support dance in Missoula.  Join the Missoula Folklore Society!

Check the Dance Calendar for info on upcoming Contra Dances!  


Subscribe to the MFS e-newsletter for info on other dance & music events in and around town.  Typically the newsletter has the latest info before the website.

Last updated January 17, 2025

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