We rely on new and existing members for financial support! Our dances only break-even.
Your financial support enables us to book contra dance and music venues, pay musicians and callers, and cover accounting, legal, web hosting and other miscellaneous expenses. Thank you!
Membership Levels
Memberships run from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. If you renew your membership in the summer, it will be good through September of the following year. (Example: a membership renewed in June of 2025 would be good through Sept. 30 2026. Other than summer, we do not prorate new or renewing membership fees. (Example: if you join or renew before June 1, your membership will still be the fully applicable rate and will expire Sept. 30. Please email membership[at-sign]missoulafolk.org if you have any questions.
If possible, please renew your membership online using the form below and PayPal. (below)
Individual $25 (1 year) $40 (2 years)
Family $40 (1 year) $70 (2 years)
Student $15 (1 year) $25 (2 years)
Limited Income $15 (1 year) $25 (2 years)
Same as last year!
Sustaining $100 (1 year) $200 (2 years)
Here's How to Join or Renew (5 Steps)
You can use "Payment by Check" (after filling out and submitting the form) but don't forget to mail us your check!
Step 1 of 5 - Please fill out form below first (whether paying by check or using PayPal)
Individual - 1 Year ($25)

Individual - 2 Years ($40)

Family - 1 Year ($40)

Family - 2 Years ($70)

Student - 1 Year ($15)

Student - 2 Years ($25)

Restricted Income - 1 Year ($15)

Sustaining - 1 Year ($100)

Restricted Income - 2 Years ($25)

Sustaining - 2 Years ($200)