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Come Dance With Us!

Contra Dance
1st Saturday, Dec 7 | 7:30 - 10:30 pm
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor | Beginners, Singles, Couples, & Families are welcome! | All dances are taught from scratch & called! Caller: Bev Young | Band: Skippin a Groove* - lively fiddle music!
* Roy Curet (fiddle), Laura Lundquist (flute/whistles), Alan Boren (guitar)

You can email questions or 1-2 favorite songs you'd like to hear to Susan Morgan at 


Event co-sponsored by Missoula Folklore Society and Global Dance Parties Missoula.

Swing & Social Dance Party
Tueday, Dec 10 | 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor

Please join us for a fun evening of Swing Dancing at the Elks Lodge in the upstairs ballroom!


We will spin music suitable for triple -step, single- step, lindy, west coast, and cowboy swing dance.  We may even have a latin dance, tango, or waltz in our mix!


No partner or experience is necessary. All ages.  Cost is $5.


The purpose is to see if our social dance communities will come out in support of having a regularly scheduled Social Dance, so please mark your calendars. 


And please SHARE this event with your friends and on social media!


In the future, should the community show support for having events like these, we may incorporate 30-minute lessons from different styles of dance into our evenings.


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English Country Dance
Friday, Dec 13 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Elks Lodge, 2nd floor
Bev Young, Mark Matthews, and Christa Torrens will teach fun, easy-to-learn, English country dances to live Baroque music. 

The figures in English Country Dancing are very similar to contra dancing and square dancing. 

Beginners, singles, and couples are all welcome.  No experience necessary.  Come join us!
Solstice Roots Dance
3rd Saturday, Dec 21 | 7:30 - 10:30 pm

Enjoy a special holiday treat - a dance party featuring many kinds of community dance!


Beginners, Singles, Couples and Families are welcome!

In addition to your favorites (Contras, Squares, English), there will be Irish, Balfolk & other international dances.  


All will be easy, fun, community dances, taught & danced to lively recorded music.


Your favorite holiday treats are welcome! 
See message below regarding food alleries.

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We encourage you to make desserts without peanuts or peanut butter as some folks have severe allergies to peanuts.  If your favorite dessert recipe has peanuts or peanut butter, please bring it but PLEASE LIST ALL INGREDIANTS in your recipe on an index card and place it in front of your dessert.  Not a bad idea for all items. Thanks!

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